Monday, July 21, 2014

For Miguel Escobar

Hi, Miguel,
It was great to have a conversation on Friday and hear about your vision for the consultant position. I hope and pray this new position unites and empowers our Church even more.

Here are some links of a few things I have been working on this summer - some for school and some for church. Hope this gives you a little insight of what I do as far as cost-effective presentations or videos. Some of the videos are not at the best quality since the programs I use are free (they all have minimal paid subscriptions that would publish in higher resolutions and HD). I am sorry I do not have any videos of me presenting, but hope my voice and enthusiasm can be felt through these presentations/videos.

Click here for my final presentation for one of my classes this summer. I really like using Zoho Show because it has many options, presentations can be broadcast, and participants can interact even in remote settings in real time. A drawback is you can't add music as just an addition, but you can embed sound from other sources, such as SoundCloud, which helps when the presentation is a video not a live event.

A tool I love to use is Poll Everywhere. The free version gives 40 people a chance to answer any question - t/f, multiple choice, and open-ended. I had fun reviewing this tool for class and using it with my family. You can find that here. When I have used this in my classroom or at church, it's live and goes pretty fast, therefore, I haven't saved the responses. There are other survey/poll tools, but this one is by far the easiest to use (except maybe for the codes as evident in the picture of my family members' favorite song).

Please click here for my blog post about reading and technology. It has a lot of links and a couple of videos (one of which is created with Powtoon - another free tool that I love to use. Here is one I made for the graduates of our church).

Every Sunday there is a presentation before Mass that includes what has happened during the week, prayer requests, trivia, a question, birthdays, upcoming events, and anything else we see or people send me. Please click here for this week's presentation which was a little shorter because we had a slide show and a video about Vacation Bible School.

Last video is one I made for Father's Day (with pictures and sentiments the community from San Mateo sent me).

Thanks so much for your time!
